04 May 2012

Who am I?

Indeed, this is a question I am forced to ask myself on an annual basis.

I am an Arizonian through and through. I love getting out of doors and living life.
I enjoy time traveling, or at least I will at some point in the future. Once, after defeating Jude Law (a notorious underground cage fighter, a fact hidden from the public for obvious reasons,) in glorious battle, Chuck Norris invited us both to his secret under-the-sea coffee shop where we proceeded to sing songs from the 70's band, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. We play poker every third Tuesday with the winnings going to charity. I taught Donald Trump how to scuba dive and helped lower his golf handicap in a matter of minutes. I originally created the chemical properties for true Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul, but Jack Canfield beat me to the rights to use the name. My soup is now used to fuel jet engines for the Armed Forces. I inspired the international hit Looking for Freedom by David Hasselhoff. I have a third nipple.

Years ago, I climbed to the top of Mount Fuji in search of a fortune cookie with the meaning of life written inside. Upon reaching the summit, I gave the cookie to a small, starving orphan child who devoured the cookie whole. I know the way to San Jose. I enjoy opening and reading mail. I can juggle 27 pens and a chainsaw while doing the gallon challenge. I have been called a Saint, a Sinner, and a Patriot all in the same long winded sentence. I am prisoner 24601.

The only child of two loving parents, I had a happy childhood. Despite popular belief, I am not spoiled, with the exception being in the area of attention and love. When I reached the age of 12 my Father decided it was time for me to become a man and began to employ me in hard physical labor. I worked as a Brick Carrier/Layer for a summer, I've worked in a metal shop, and in a warehouse dealing in surplus goods. I ran concessions at Hale Center Theatre in Gilbert, Arizona and thoroughly enjoy the arts. I am sure I've done much more, but am bored with the lack of variety in my working past.

I am accustomed to working, and tend to enjoy it when it is engaging. I like to work to learn, money is just a side note, a positive externality if you will. That being said, I want to be rich, or at least wealthy enough to support my family. My family is defined as my parents and their siblings and the children thereof. Of course, my own wife and children will hold precedence to all others.

Now my task is to find and convince someone to marry me, preferably of the female persuasion. I want a mid-size to large family. Being the only child, I feel a need to give my parents many grandchildren so the attention and love may be shifted to the youngens. The poor suckers won't even know what hit them.

In my professional life I will be abnormally successful. I want to be seen as a force for good and help create jobs for others in a company I own or in which I am a partner. I want to help others succeed, and make both parties money while doing it. I love to create and build, and hope to employ these desires in my future occupation.

I desire to want for nothing. I desire for my family to want for nothing (unless of course it is a healthy want, the kind that teaches my children how to work and save for a desired object). I will spend much time with my family engaging in our hobbies and interests as often as occasion permits.

I love extreme sports involving boards, with the exception being water-boarding. Many people confuse torture and extreme sporting regularly. I practically grew up as a fish and love the lake, the river, and the ocean. I played baseball, football, and volleyball in my adolescence and enjoy watching and playing anything that appears on SportsCenter.

Religion plays a very important and rather large role in my life. I have been raised believing in a loving God who sent His Son to this world in order for mankind to be saved. I dedicated two years of my so far short life teaching the peoples of Germany the things I hold to be true. I returned home in June of 2009 and miss my time abroad dearly. The memories made and adventures had flood my consciousness on a daily basis. I miss it more than words can express.

I enjoy being with people. I enjoy watching people. I enjoy talking to people. I enjoy listening to people. I enjoy being in front of people. I enjoy helping people. I enjoy people. This is possibly my most dominating and helpful trait. I am a people person. I find it easy to converse with people; I can be anyone's best friend for an hour or two. I like to think that I understand people, I like to find out what it is that makes them tick, who they are at the core, what their fears and great aspirations are, what and who they love, the reasons they do what they do day in and day out.

I am a hopeless romantic (although the concept of love eludes me at the moment) and try to be an advocate for hope. People can change, and there are seeds of good in everyone. I want to help as many as I can in the time allotted me here on this temporal sphere.

As stated before, I enjoy building and creating things. I like to be organized, although at times I find chaos to be the best filing cabinet. I love to have a good time and consistently mix business with pleasure. I find that personal productivity goes up when I have fun doing what I do.

This is who I am. It would be folly to think that a few words could adequately describe the essence of my being, mostly because I'm still trying to figure out who or what it is that I am. I am just a confused kid who is trying to make a name for himself. A name had for good among many.

 I love my family, I love my friends, I love my dog, I love my life, and, most importantly, I love my God. This may not be the typical descriptive essay, but I am not typical. I am Me, a unique composition of strengths and weaknesses. A complex cornucopia of thoughts and feelings making up the core of my being.

Who am I?

I am Chad Jeffrey Arnett.

Welcome to my universe.

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